Data Analytics Stage

In a world increasingly driven by data, the ability to analyze and leverage it is essential for innovation. This room delves into the most advanced techniques in data analysis, modeling, and management, exploring tools in data science, machine learning, and AI-driven analytics. A key resource for those seeking to extract strategic insights and make data-driven decisions with greater precision and effectiveness.
Note: The program is still being finalized and may be subject to changes.

Data Analytics

Room Hosting

Matteo Piselli
Matteo Piselli
Digital consultant and trainer Mecenauta
27 feb 12:20 - 12:40
20 min
AI Journey is a method I developed to help data analysts design and implement AI solutions in a strategic way within their organizations. In this talk, I will demonstrate how to leverage the framework to transform data into value, combining analysis, creativity, and key skills to bridge the gap between theory and implementation.
27 feb 12:40 - 13:00
20 min
Artificial intelligence in the technical analysis of financial markets, with a focus on the application of language models (LLMs) and advanced computer vision techniques. Innovative methods will be presented to decode financial charts, identify complex patterns, and generate accurate and timely insights, highlighting their impact on optimizing decision-making processes.
27 feb 14:00 - 14:40
40 min
The integration of AI in companies happens by combining data and technology with policies and human skills. Here’s the consulting process I use, leveraging various tools such as stakeholder analysis, use case definition, data mapping, model definition, testing, training, and many others to make this integration a reality.
27 feb 14:50 - 15:30
40 min
Using GA4 in Combination with AI to Boost Business Performance by Predictively Integrating Online and Offline Channels.
27 feb 15:40 - 16:20
40 min
Join us as we embark on a journey through the practical applications of artificial intelligence in data analysis, sourcing from real-life case studies curated by our research team. We'll delve into the APIs and their capabilities in delivering actionable insights, providing a technical perspective on the opportunities and challenges of implementing AI in both qualitative and quantitative data interpretation, specifically focusing on insights derived from User Research.